
Monday, July 18, 2011

Beat Monday blues with two songs for Haiti!

Whenever I'm trying to beat my Monday blues I turn to music so if you're having as much trouble as I am on this Monday morning, these should do the trick!

Not to mention, they both benefit Haiti's recovery efforts!  Enjoy!

The first is a rendition of K'naan's "Wavin' Flag" performed by Young Artists for Haiti. Musical Icon, Bob Ezrin gathered more than 50 of Canada's most talented young artists to record this song.

The second, although I've seen it a million times, never fails to lift my spirits. I loved We Are The World 25 for Haiti even before I went to Haiti, and love it even more since my return. The diversity of the artists and the message they sent collectively is one we should all embrace; we are the world. Even though we all come from different walks of life, we are all a part of one great big family and should always come together to help our brothers and sisters around the world.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome to the Sustainable Haiti Series!

One of the reasons I chose to go to Haiti was to highlight groups doing sustainable relief and rebuilding work.  It's hard for the mainstream media to cover everything going on there and often report on the negative stories rather than the positive. I understand that the latest Cholera case is breaking news, but what about the groups that are working to ensure Cholera never even makes it into the water stream?

I don't know about you, but those are the stories I'm interested in.  I want to learn about solutions, not just read about the problems.  That's why I'm creating the "Sustainable Haiti Series" -- to share the sustainable solutions to Haiti's problems and the kick-ass organizations that are making them happen!  

Each segment of "Sustainable Haiti" will highlight a different organization I was fortunate enough to meet and spend time with in Haiti.  While they all address different needs, they all have one thing in common -- they offer a sustainable solution to a problem!  

I hope through this series, I not only raise awareness for these incredible groups, but also educate people around the world about sustainability. With natural disasters becoming more prevalent and devastating, sustainable disaster relief and rebuilding are things we all need to be educated on.

Here's a video I made about the group I'll be highlighting in Part 1 of the series, GrassRoots United.  Enjoy and stay tuned!!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Back in my comfort zone, but definitely not comfortable.

I've been back from Haiti for almost a month and it's still hard for me to process everything I experienced while there.  Returning home from a trip like that is overwhelming to say the least.  Within one day, I went from waking up in the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere to going to sleep in one of the wealthiest cities in the world.  Talk about culture shock...

I found myself back in my comfort zone, but suddenly not feeling so comfortable.  My San Francisco life was moving forward, but all I could think about were the people and places I left behind in Haiti.  All I wanted to do was go back and help the country rebuild sustainably. Despite what you read or hear, there is still so much that needs to be done.  It's been over a year and a half since the earthquake and parts of Port-au-Prince look like it could have happened yesterday.  It's really upsetting.  Especially after spending time with so many incredible Haitians who are eager to rebuild their country and move towards a better future.

Me and Jean Lucho of GiveLove.
GiveLove is one of the amazing organizations that I spent time with and filmed while in Haiti. They are bringing sustainable low-cost solutions to Haiti and focus on eco-sanitation.  Don't worry, there will be an entire post dedicated to GiveLove and eco-sanitation coming VERY soon!

Anyway, until I'm able to return to Haiti I'm going to do as much as I can for the country by sharing my experiences with the world. Keeping the stories alive and making sure people don't forget about Haiti is half the battle and the good news is I hate to lose. Please feel free to comment and share your own experiences in Haiti -- I love to connect with people who share my passions!

I truly hope that through this blog, others will come to feel the same way I do about Haiti.  
Tet Kale!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

President Martelly's Inauguration

Our first full day here, Saturday, May 14th, was a historic day for Haiti.  President Martelly aka "Sweet Mickey" was inaugurated.  It was our first morning waking up in Haiti and we decided to jump right in.  Equipped with a translator named Charles and his cousin, we headed to the Presidential Palace to join in on the celebration.    

It was incredible to see how many people had gathered around the Palace to try and catch a glimpse of the new President.  The people were so happy, hopeful, and willing to share their optimism with us.  

As soon as I took out my camera, people gathered around and wanted to speak to me.  I will share their interviews once I'm back in the states but they all believe President Martelly is what Haiti needs. The Haitians excitement over Martelly reminded me of how Americans felt the day President Obama took office. Just like we believed Obama would bring the change we desperately needed, the Haitians believe Martelly will be the President to do the same for Haiti.

I'm confident that Martelly will make a difference.  The old ways of government have crumbled just like the Palace itself.  Rather than rebuilding the extravagant structure, Martelly is focusing on the needs of the Haitian people and opening new schools.  Despite his lack of political experience, I think Martelly is exactly what Haiti needs, a reason to believe.  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Day of New Beginnings....

Today was a day of firsts...

It was my first full day in Haiti.  It was the first time I've taken a bucket shower.  It was the first ride I've had on a tap tap.  But by far the most significant first for me today was attending the Haitian Presidential Inauguration; at least from outside the Presidential Palace gates.  It was such an incredible experience and one that I'll never forget.  I'm going to post my reactions later tonight along with some video that I shot but I have to run to go and get ready for my first EVER pirates and ninjas party at the compound!

Arrival in Haiti

Hello from Port-au-Prince, Haiti!  Yes, I'm really in Haiti and to tell you the truth it still hasn't fully hit me.  I arrived yesterday and as many had warned me the culture shock hit the second I stepped off of the plane.

The airport is still pretty damaged from the earthquake, with the windows cracked and many parts abandoned.  But the damage doesn't stop the Haitians from having a good time.  On our way to the baggage shuttle we were greeted by a cheerful group Haitian band playing an upbeat song and huge smiles across their faces.  The music helped me calm down and forget about the UN military trucks that I could see outside and the fact that I had just arrived in one of the most impoverished countries in the world.

After successfully getting through customs and finding our luggage, Mike and I forged our way forward. We fought off numerous people offering us their help with our luggage as I had been warned ahead of time that they would.  It was completely overwhelming and I can't tell you how relieved I was to see a smiling man holding a sign with our names written on it right outside the airport doors.  Budo, a Haitian driver, had been sent by Grass Roots United to retrieve us at the airport.  I happily introduced myself and thought Mike did too but apparently Mike didn't realize Budo was with GRU and thought I was following some random guy.  In Mike's defense, it was a pretty crazy scene at the airport (video to come soon!) but it was pretty funny when Mike finally realized that Budo was from GRU.  I could see the same look of relief on his face that I had just experienced moments before.

Once we were on the same page, we began our journey (believe me, it was a journey!) to the car.  While Budo and I spoke about our flight delay and the chaos around us at the airport, Mike was dealing with some real chaos.  I turned around to find Mike sandwiched in between two Haitians who both desperately wanted to help push our luggage.  I wish I had a picture of him and the two Haitians walking side-by-side pushing the cart but the scene turned pretty crazy really fast.  Before I could even get my camera, the two Haitians were violently screaming at each other about who started helping us first.  Then another man joined the fight and was trying to help as well.  Somehow, I still don't know what happened, we managed to get the two extras to leave and had one person help us with our bags.  At the time I was so overwhelmed, but now as I'm writing out the scenario I realize how telling it is of the situation in Haiti.  Haitians love to help and are hungry for work, but it seems that there simply isn't enough to go around.  That's why, one of the things I hope to accomplish while here is to develop more programs that create jobs for Haitians.  They are highly motivated....I can tell you that from just being here a day and a half, but they need the opportunities to do so.

Sorry for the sidetrack, back to yesterday...

Eventually, we were able to get rid of one of the helpers and make our way to the car.  The drive to the Grass Roots United compound was pretty surreal.  We drove by crumbled buildings, street vendors, tent camps and more than I can even possibly begin to describe right now.  I will give more details on the city in a later post -- trying to get this one wrapped up before dinner!

After driving for no more than 10 minutes we pulled up to a large gate with colorful images painted on it, we were home...

Marsha, the volunteer coordinator met us at the front of the compound and before we could take another step inside, told us to go to the washing station to wash our hands and to step our feet on a disinfecting surface to prevent cholera from entering the camp.  While I'm fully aware of the cholera risk in Haiti and knew what I was getting myself into, it's pretty crazy when you're actually here and at risk.

Once properly cleaned, Marsha took us on a tour of the Grass Roots United compound.  It's incredible!  The people are amazing and made us feel like we were at home.  The projects that have been completed here and that are in development are remarkable.  I'm going to do a separate post on each organization/project on the compound so I'll skip those details for now.  But I will talk about one of my favorite parts of the compound, the "Hole in the Wall."

At the back of the compound there is a little hole in the wall with a few items and prices painted on the cement.  This little spot is known as the "Hole in the Wall."  It's literally a hole in the wall that serves Coca-Cola, beer and rum to the GRU volunteers and not to mention, another example of how eager Haitians are to work.
"Hole in the Wall"

The "Hole in the Wall' is a way for the family that lives behind the compound to make a living.  They saw an opportunity to capitalize off of the fact that volunteers with money (and drinking habits!) moved in next door and are now running a small business out of their home.  Not only am I thrilled to have a bar on my camp, I'm even happier to be helping Haitians better their lives.

So, after setting up our tab at the Hole in the Wall, Mike and I took two beers up to the roof to relax after a very long and intense day.  We watched the sunset over the mountains, the moonlight take over the sky and talked about some of the things we hope to accomplish while here.  The first, heading to the Presidential Palace in the morning to cover President Martelly's inauguration.  Even though we were hesitant about heading to a crowded mob our first full day in Haiti, we decided that it was something we had to do.  Our fears were worth putting aside to cover such a monumental day in Haitian history.