
Monday, January 16, 2012

2 Years Later....

On the anniversary of the earthquake, we attended a ceremony in Citi Soleil.  It took place across the street from the mural we installed, so we got to be with the people we worked with all week. 

It was a beautiful ceremony…

After music and inspirational words, members of the community released balloons into the sky to represent those they lost during the earthquake.  

Once the balloons disappeared into the sky, we played and danced with the children.  Rather than mourning, we celebrated and focused on the present & the future.  Even though January 12th will always be remembered as a day of loss for Haiti, in typical Haitian style, the people turned the day into a celebration of life, not of death.  

It's so easy to focus on losses and misfortunes in life, but we should all be more like the Haitian people and celebrate what we do have.  

Two years have passed, and I can tell you first hand that a lot of work still needs to be done here. But, one thing that wasn't lost in the earthquake is Haiti's spirit and zest for life. 

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